Education and Career Guidance
Background of the Programme
PL(Sec)’s vision is to be an outstanding school of choice producing women of fine character with a passion for life and learning. We aim to develop our PL-Lites into women who are driven by a quest for knowledge and a sense of purpose to be enthusiastic and independent learners.

Our ECG programme includes a formal curriculum through LiVE and PC lessons and also consists of various key programmes to enable PL-Lites to find purpose through lifelong learning. We aim to equip our students with the skills to continuously discover, plan and explore new opportunities that come their way and this vision is in line with the goals of CCE 2021 of future readiness. This is so that PL-Lites have a sense of purpose in their lives and will be equipped to take on the challenges of the future. This is defined as ‘PL-Lites with a positive future-orientation’.
The goals of ECG unit in 2021 CCE curriculum are to:
nurture student’s self-awareness, self-directedness and life skills for continuous learning and training; (Skills)
enable students to explore viable education and career options through the provision of accurate and comprehensive information; (Knowledge)
inculcate an appreciation for the value of all occupations and how they contribute to the well-functioning of society; (Mindsets) and
equip students with skills and means to positively engage their parents and other career influencers (Engaging the community).
Establishing the Culture of Pathfinding in PL(Sec)
The operating environment of PL(Sec)’s ECG programme is the Culture of Pathfinding. Pathfinding is a journey of discovering one’s values, interests, personality and skills and using this awareness to make the most-informed decision on moving forward in one’s life in pursuit of actualising one’s aspirations. It is in line with our school’s vision of nurturing “women of fine character with a passion for life and learning”.
Aims of Helping PL-Lites own their Pathfinding journeys
They will have a Positive Future-Orientation
ECG Theme: Discover Who You Are - Continually develop the PL-Lites’ interests, abilities, and passion; and use them to contribute meaningfully to society through their future professions.
They will Make Informed Decisions and Own Them
ECG Theme: Navigate Pathways with Confidence – PL-Lites will learn more about the world of work, education, and career pathways that they can choose. They will make considered decisions about their education and career plans, and take positive steps to embark on them.
They will have a Passion for Life and Learning
ECG Theme: Keep Learning. Be Resilient – PL-Lites will develop 21st century competencies, values, and workplace readiness skills to be adaptable and resilient.
In PL(Sec), the Culture of Pathfinding is implemented and deepened by the following 5 key pillars:
Building Staff Conviction and Competencies
ECG Lessons
ECG Programmes
ECG Counselling and Support
Networking and Partnerships

ECG 2021 Curriculum Framework
Education and Career Guidance (ECG) is about equipping students with the necessary knowledge, skills and values to make informed decisions at each key education stage for successful transition from school to further education or work, and hence to manage their career pathways and lifelong learning throughout their lives. Through ECG, social emotional competencies and qualities of proactivity, adaptability and resilience are developed to prepare students for the 21st Century.
To ensure that students are adaptable, resilient and updated on ECG news and issues, a clear and systematic ECG curriculum has been developed and aligned to the level outcomes and needs of the PL-lites.
As part of the CCE lessons, PL-Lites learn more about their RIASEC profile on the “MySkillsFuture” portal where they discover and develop their interests and abilities, and in doing so, explore possible educational and career pathways.
Since 2021, more resources have also been created to support PL-Lites in portfolio building and develop their interview skills to prepare them for their DSA and EAE applications.

Key ECG Programmes
To enable PL-Lites to make informed career decisions through the exploration & understanding of the education & career landscapes, PL actively organises and encourages students to participate in various ECG programmes such as:
Annual Education & Career Guidance Conference
Post-Secondary Educational Institution (PSEI) Fair
Advanced Elective Modules (AEMs) & Elective Modules (EMs) for NA & NT students
Experience ITE Programme for 2NT & 3NA students
Work Shadowing Programme (WSP)
Scholarships Opportunities for High-ability students using a Plant-a-Dream approach
ECG Counselling and Support

Our ECG Counsellor (Ms Lim Hui Ching) is stationed at the school library on Tuesdays and Thursdays to provide support to PL-lites (individually or in small groups) in making informed decisions on post-secondary education and career options. Students who would like to explore more about subject choices, enquire about post-secondary education pathways or find out more about their career interests, strengths and passions, can have a chat with her.
Appointment Link:
Networking and Partnerships
To support the school’s wide range of ECG programmes, there is a robust partnership and engagement of internal and external partners such as parents, PL Alumnae, PSEIs and external organisations.

Useful links
My Skills Future Portal
MOE Coursefinder
Course information for JAE and JIE
Please click here to access the information.
Information on Scholarships