In PLMGS(S), we aim to develop our students into confident and articulate speakers, avid readers and creative writers. To achieve this, we provide the environment and create platforms whereby our students will constantly be challenged to reach for higher and better standards. Opportunities abound via many channels from the academic area to the co-curricular / enrichment activities and numerous learning journeys (both overseas and local).
We adopt multi-pronged strategies and approaches to develop the mastery of the language. Our programme considers the differing students’ abilities, interests and needs. There are many opportunities to learn in both formal and informal settings. From giving speeches in class to drama and debates, our students learn to speak confidently and clearly in public.
The students apply the 21st century skills of communication, critical and creative thinking and collaboration in their lessons and various oral presentations in class as well.
The students’ effective use of the English language is achieved through a strong foundation and rich language for all. The department adheres closely to this approach in the teaching of English, using the EL Syllabus as a guide.
Pedagogical Focus
To better engage students and to develop critical thinkers of the 21st century, the department incorporates Reciprocal Teaching and Paul’s Wheel of Reasoning in its curriculum, so as to help students become skilled readers, enhancing their understanding of texts and issues of interest.
For teaching to be effective, teachers will identify and monitor students’ changing needs, abilities and interests so that they can modify or adapt their teaching methods to help students and provide them with opportunities to act on the feedback to improve their learning.
Teachers will align assessment with the aims and learning outcomes in the syllabus. The students will be assessed formally and informally using different modes of assessment so that a wide range of skills, learner strategies, attitudes and behavior can be developed, and the items and structures can be learned. The assessment tasks will take into account different student strengths and weaknesses and, hence, different learning outcomes.
The range of assessment modes and tasks include:
Informal tests and quizzes
Performance assessments that assess students’ skills in carrying out an activity, e.g. staging a role play or giving an oral presentation
Portfolios consisting of students’ written work, multimedia productions, and learning logs / journals, which record students’ reflections
Student profiling, through the use of checklists and classroom observations by teachers or through self-evaluation by students
Teacher-student conferencing on a written product in order to help students make improvements