PLCM (PL Christian Ministry)
The Christian ministry aligns itself with the school by teaching and reiterating good moral values based on the Bible during weekly Chapel sessions and daily morning devotions.
To proclaim the God of the Bible and to instil Christ-likeness as the way of life, as we challenge the disciples (i.e. believers) and motivating every person to live out the abundant life that God has planned for us.
A school with staff and students who live their lives as fearfully and wonderfully created individuals made in the image of God, exhibiting positive character traits.
Proverbs 22:6 “Train a child in the way he (she) should go, and when he (she) is old, he (she) will not turn from it.”
Proclaiming God, Learning Christ-likeness, Challenging the disciples, Motivating every person.
Paya Lebar Methodist Church provides chaplaincy and spiritual direction for the school through support from the Pastoral Team and provision of 1 Christian Ministry Staff, Mrs Irene Phua, who is based in the school premise.
Support from the Christian ministry for staff and students are carried out through:
- Daily morning devotion
- Weekly chapel sessions
- Christian Fellowship (Sparx) - second CCA with no accreditation of points
- A group of Christians seeking to live a life of Surrender to God, with Purpose, Aces (i.e. showing excellence in every way) and constant Renewal to glorify Jesus Christ (ie. the “X” in Sparx) and bless the community.
- Members are called SPARKS, igniting sparks and passing on sparks.
- Verse: Proverbs 1:5 “Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance.”
- Our meetings are held twice a month on Monday afternoons, from 3.30pm to 5pm (please refer to the PLCM Notice Board or PLCM website for updated meeting dates and other information)
- Class Cell Time (every Thursday from 2pm - 2.10pm)
- Class Esthers’ training and support for Class Esthers
- PLCM website – online portal of Christian resources
- Mass Prayer Cell – gathering of Christian students for a time of worship and prayer
- Morning devotion student helpers’ meeting – devotion and rehearsal (every Tuesday at 8.00am)
- Quarterly Christian Teachers’ Fellowship
- Staff Prayer Meet (Tuesday, 7.00am)
- Parents Prayer Meet (Monday, 7.30am and 10am)
- Prayer walk every half-yearly
- Support to GB 4th Company
- Befriending others, pastoral visits, and ministry to staff and students
- Staff Dedication at the start of each academic year