English Drama
Quirky, fun, and unapologetically expressive — the English Language Drama Club is a place where students embrace their individuality and bring out their dramatic flair! Each session sparks creativity through a range of imaginative activities, allowing members to dive into different roles, connect with each other and develop resilience and character. As they explore theatre techniques and refine their craft, students discover the joy of self-expression and the power of storytelling.
To be a fun and vivacious club producing women with fine oratorical skills
and a passion for performing with passion.
To nurture performers who are confident, expressive and enthusiastic in
their craft with skills such as empathy and teamwork.
SYF Arts Presentation 2023 - Certificate of Accomplishment
National Schools Literature Festival 2023
Book trailer - Gold
Choral Speaking - Commendation
Events and Activities for the Year
PL Open House
Farewell for graduating members
Musical Montage
Chinese New Year Concert
National Day Concert
Huddle Festival
Mdm Nur Zahira
Mrs Christina Ramesh
Mr Adib Kosnan
Training Schedule
Monday & Tuesday, 3.00 – 5.30 pm